IMPORTANT: Enrolment for this concert closes on Monday June 3rd at Midnight. Get your ticket before then! Scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up!
This Year YOU Take The Stage!
Perform With Confidence Even If You've Never Been On Stage Before!

"When performing at a Concert you give yourself the chance to do something SCARY but FUN too!"
This July 13th, 2024 we are having our now traditional Summer Concert for all our students, and YOU will be a PERFORMER!
Yeah, I know what you are thinking:
"Me? Playing on stage? Not Happening!"
We get it - after all, going on stage looks like a very scary thing to do. But maybe... secretly you always wanted to have the confidence to play in front of others and never got around to actually do it... and this bothers you!
You want to be on stage and share your music with friends and family... but you feel like you never had the chance, never dared to take your instrument, get up there and play for other people.
Believe it or not, this is very common among musicians! Even professionals have stage fright.
We know how you feel before a performance. All of us here at Edmonton Guitar got through it!
But - and here is ALL the difference - professionals know how to prepare themselves so that they can walk on stage with confidence - even when they're afraid!
Ticket To Ride cover by a student band
Fallen Leaves - Cover by your student band The Anomaly
We'll Rehearse Like Pros - And Crush The Stage
But how do you get prepared for a Concert performance?
- Where do you even start?
- What piece should you choose?
- How do you know if you are performing it well?

Well, you're not on your own! When you sign up to participate in our Summer Concert, our Teachers will make sure that you are ready... and then some!

"Being on stage was fine. Very little anxiety. I felt prepared. I enjoyed it! The organization was great. The [Edmonton Guitar Music] School was well prepared. I plan on performing again. " -Ted-
- Our Teachers will help you choose a song that is right for you: not too hard and not too easy so you will be able to perform it AND feel good about playing it on stage!
- Our Teachers will find other students to play the song with you. You won't be alone on stage: it's more fun to play as a band!
- Our Teachers will help you learn the hardest parts, so you can play smoothly all through the song and perform with confidence!
Our teachers Tommaso, Kamil, Matthew, and Adri are all performers, so they know how you feel before a performance.
But more than that, they know how to prepare students for the stage. They have helped students perform with confidence at Concerts and Recitals for years.
Playing On Stage Is FUN!
You know what is the story we hear most often from our students? It goes like this:
"The first time you told me to participate in a Concert I didn't want to do it at all. Too scary! But then I talked with my teacher and I signed up... even if I was not completely convinced."
"And then the day of the Concert arrived, and I went on stage... and I had a lot of fun! Can't wait to do the next one!"
If reading this you feel even just a little tempted... just scroll down, sign up, and we'll help you realize your dream of playing on stage.
We will take care of everything so you can have a great experience!
It's a party! And you want to participate!

"It was the first time on stage for me. However everyone was supportive and helpful, and made it a wonderful experience." -Ron-
We Know You Have Questions...
- When is the Summer Concert?
- Saturday July 13th, 2024
- When are the rehearsals? How many rehearsals do I have to attend?
- You have to attend at least 3 rehearsals out of 4. The dates are:
- Saturday June 8th, 2024; Kids: 2:30pm to 3:30pm; Adults: 3:30pm to 5pm.
- Saturday June 15th 2024; Kids: 2:30pm to 3:30pm; Adults: 3:30pm to 5pm.
- Saturday June 22nd, 2024; Kids: 2:30pm to 3:30pm; Adults: 3:30pm to 5pm.
- Saturday July 6th, 2024; Kids: 2:30pm to 3:30pm; Adults: 3:30pm to 5pm.
- Can I still participate even if I am a beginner?
- If you are a beginner ask your teacher, and they will let you know if you are ready for it. We will work with you and prepare you for the big day!
- I am very shy and I am very worried that I will make mistakes or I will just freeze completely once on the stage!
- Do not worry! Our teachers have extensive experience in preparing students for a performance. They will organize several rehearsals and they will make sure that you can perform your song blindfolded and cuffed! If you have stage fright this is your chance to fight and win it!

How Do I Participate?
To be a Performer at the Summer Concert 2024 you need to purchase a Performer Ticket!
Performer Ticket is $147 $97 (for current students) and includes:
- Guaranteed Spot to perform in the Concert
- A series of rehearsals with the teachers and other participants. So that you will be ready for the great day.
- 2 tickets for attending audience. So that you can bring friends or family.
Enrolment will close at Monday June 3rd at Midnight.
Here's how to get your ticket
- Call us at the phone (780 637 0513) and let us know you want to sign up. We will use the credit card you have on file with us. Or:
- Click on the button below. A new page will open. Just follow the instructions that will appear there
Need more than 2 tickets for your family and friends in the audience?
- Call us at the phone (780 637 0513) for more information!
- Or send us an email with all your questions.