The Ultimate Guide For Buying The Perfect Guitar For Your Child In 8 Easy Steps

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Buying a guitar is not simply a gift, it’s an investment in your child’s future.
A good investment is one where your son or daughter is eager to learn and practice guitar regularly - because it’s fun and they can feel themselves improving (which makes playing guitar even more fun).
A bad investment is one where your child struggles to play an unplayable instrument, doesn’t get any satisfaction from it, doesn’t improve, and eventually gives up - and your investment will have been wasted.
Worse than losing your investment, your child may feel bad about him/herself because the child believes it’s HE/SHE who failed, not that they had the wrong guitar.
The good news is: the right guitar does NOT need to be expensive!
The best news is: it's not really hard to get the right guitar, when you know WHAT to look for.
It's not enough to go around shopping and asking a few guitar stores. Don't get me wrong, most music stores are great, but they can't help you if you don't know the right questions to ask them!
Children's hands are not as strong as an adult's! How to be sure that the guitar you are buying is not "too hard" to play for your child
Do not break the bank: how much to spend on a first guitar (affordable, but not "cheap").
Save your ears: how to avoid guitars that will drive you crazy when you listen to the horrible sound they produce for hours on end. (Did you know it's possible to have 'nearly silent' guitars that kids will LOVE playing?)
How the wrong guitar will completely RUIN your child's musical ear.
What are the best questions to ask when you go to the music shop to make your life (and the clerk's life) easier and end up with the right guitar.
Why you should NEVER buy a guitar on the internet (unless you like wasting your money)
The two most important things that your guitar MUST have to be playable, but won't catch your eye unless you know EXACTLY how to spot them (without these, it won't qualify as a 'guitar'... even if it looks ok)
Get all of the above right and you won't have to say "go practice your guitar"... instead they will say: "Mom, can I go practice guitar?".
To download the eGuide to get your child the Perfect Guitar for free right now, enter your name and email address oand click the "Send Me The eGuide" button. All information it kept 100% private and confidential.